Let's get in touch!

Embark on an unparalleled journey of entrepreneurial growth by booking a meeting with Rachid Chikhi, a luminary in entrepreneurship consultancy. Rachid’s extensive experience in sectors ranging from real estate and finance to technology and hospitality makes him an invaluable resource for aspiring and established entrepreneurs alike. 


You can use the following email: rc(at)rchikhi.com, or the form below.

Tailored Consultancy Sessions

Rachid’s consultancy sessions are meticulously tailored to meet your specific needs and challenges. Whether you’re navigating the complexities of startup dynamics, seeking to expand your business, or exploring innovative investment opportunities, Rachid offers insights grounded in real-world experience and success.

Actionable Strategies and Practical Advice

During your meeting, Rachid will provide actionable strategies and practical advice, drawing from his wealth of knowledge in entrepreneurship and investment. His guidance is not just theoretical; it is enriched with practical solutions and success stories from his own ventures.

Expanding Horizons with Global Expertise

With a career that spans continents and industries, Rachid brings a unique global perspective to each consultation. His understanding of diverse markets and his ability to adapt to various business environments make him an ideal guide for entrepreneurs aiming to make their mark on the international stage.

How to Book Your Meeting?

To schedule your consultation with Rachid Chikhi, simply fill out the booking form below Specify your areas of interest, and we will coordinate to find a time that suits your schedule. Whether you prefer a virtual meeting or an in-person session, we accommodate various formats to ensure a productive and insightful experience.